POSITION about the Tenth anniversary international youth film festival «Light to the world» 2020

POSITION about the Tenth anniversary international youth film festival » Light to the world»,
dedicated to the 275th anniversary of the birth of the Russian naval commander, Admiral F. F. Ushakov.
(May 13-16, 2020, Yaroslavl region)
«I am the light of the world; whoever follows Me will not be walk in darkness, but will have the light of life «(Jn. 8: 12)
1.Purpose: to promote spiritual and moral, Patriotic, artistic and aesthetic education of modern youth.
— create an environment of healthy creative communication between children’s and youth film studios and individual young film enthusiasts;
— provide methodological and practical assistance to specialists working in the field of children’s and youth film-making, as well as education and upbringing of children and youth;
— identify and support gifted children;
— identify and support young film enthusiasts and film enthusiasts who make films for children, promoting traditional spiritual and moral values, patriotism, and a healthy lifestyle.
3.Organizer of competition:
The Festival is co-organized by the Rybinsk diocese of the Yaroslavl Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church and the national Fund for support of copyright holders (Moscow).
The festival is supported by: Orthodox information Agency «Russian chronicle» (Yaroslavl); MOUDO Duc «Yaroslavich» (Yaroslavl); center «Sunny» (Rybinsk); LLC «Production center «Kinodvor» (Yaroslavl); gallery of modern Orthodox art and painting «Under the Holy cover» (Uglich).
The festival is held with the support of the administration of the Yaroslavl region and its subjects, state, commercial and public structures, as well as the media.
4. Festival organizing Committee:
- Bishop Benjamin of Rybinsk and Danilovsky, Chairman;
- Archpriest Yevgeny Glazunov, Deputy Chairman of the organizing Committee, Director of the festival;
- The head of the selection Committee in the «Light of the world. Children», member of the organizing Committee of the festival, teacher, Oleg Svobodin;
- The head of the selection Committee in the «Light of the world», jury member, member of organizing Committee, Director of the Orthodox Information Agency «Russkaya Letopis», Arturas V. Lobachev-Butler;
- Author of the educational project «Berega», member of the jury, member of the organizing Committee of the festival, teacher-religious scholar, producer of documentary and feature films Irina Dyadchenko;
- Director of the opening and closing ceremony of the festival, member of the organizing Committee of the festival, teacher, Alla Kotova.
- Elena Lobachev-Butler, Director, member of the organizing Committee of the festival;
- Elena Rezchikova, teacher, member of the organizing Committee of the festival (Uglich);
- Anastasia Belyaeva, teacher, member of the organizing Committee of the festival (Uglich);
- Tatyana Eppel, member of the festival organizing Committee, head of the culture Department of the Pereslavl diocese (Pereslavl-Zaleski)
5. Participant of competition
Professionals and film enthusiasts are invited to participate by category:
5.1 category » Light to the world. Children»: children’s groups and individual authors.
A movie can only fall into the category if at least one of the following conditions is met:
- The age of the main Director is not older than 17 years (at the time of the film’s creation);
- The age of the main operator-not older than 17 years (at the time of the film);
- Age of most actors (or presenters for TV programs and documentaries) — not older than 17 years (at the time of the film);
- The age of the creators of all animated images (drawings, three-dimensional figures and objects, computer images, etc.) — not older than 17 years (at the time of creation of the film).
5.2 «Light to the world» Category: youth groups and individual authors.
A movie can only fall into the category if at least one of the following conditions is met:
- The age of the main Director is from 18 to 35 years (at the time of the film’s creation);
- The age of the main operator — from 18 to 35 years (at the time of creation of the film);
- Most actors (or presenters for TV programs and documentaries) are between 18 and 35 years old (at the time of the film’s creation);
- The age of the creators of all animated images (drawings, three-dimensional figures and objects, computer images, etc.) — from 18 to 35 years (at the time of creation of the film).
5.3 Category » Light to the world. Films for children»: groups and individual authors, without age restrictions, making films for children, the main character (s)in which are children who are not included in the category «Light». Children» and «Light to the world».
The nomination is opened with a sufficient number of submitted applications. In the case of a small number of applications, films are shown out of competition.
6. Dates and venue.
6.1 Applications for participation are accepted from January 1 to March 1, 2020 in the prescribed form on the festival website:
6.2 Qualifying stage: from 2 March to 1 April 2020.
6.3 the list of finalists is published no later than April 15, 2020 on the festival’s website and in the social networks «V Kontakt» and «Facebook».
6.4 final of the festival: from 13 to 16 may 2020. Participants will visit Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Uglich, Tutaev (subject to change). Screenings of competitive films will be held in other cities of the Yaroslavl region.
The program of the final includes viewing of finalist films, discussion of works, master classes, a round table for teachers and heads of film studios, excursions. The festival will include concerts and creative meetings with famous cultural figures.
7. Condition of competition.
7.1 Applications and films must be received by the organizing Committee no later than March 1, 2020.!
7.2 films and programs created not earlier than 2017 are accepted for participation in the competition program of the festival. The working language of the Festival is Russian. Programs (films) created in a foreign language must have subtitles in Russian or simultaneous translation. As an exception, the organizing Committee can accept a film with subtitles in English.
7.3 Movies are accepted via file sharing in AVCHD, AVI, MOV, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 format. HD movies are welcome. The link to the films must be up to date until the end of the final of the festival.
7.4 from one author films are accepted only one in the category – one clip, one game, etc., (except for cases when different Directors within the same Studio present their work in the same category), from one Studio can be several works, if they have different Directors.
7.5 do not accept works that advertise the activities of totalitarian, occult, satanic and any other destructive sects, psychics, magicians, sorcerers, healers, etc. List of the most famous sects and cults: http://iriney.ru/alfavitnyij-spisok.html#
7.6 the international youth film festival «Light to the world» is held in two stages: the selection of the best video works (in absentia) and the final. A Selection Committee is created to pass the works to the final part of the competition. The selection Committee makes a preliminary selection, as a result of which films of high technical and artistic level that meet the goals and objectives of the Festival are passed to the final. Films that have passed to the final are evaluated by the Jury of the film festival.
7.7 Authors of films that have passed the final of the Festival are invited to the final events of the Festival, which will be held on may 13-16, 2020 in the Yaroslavl region (Rybinsk, Uglich, Tutaev, Yaroslavl).
7.8 Films are rated on a 5-point system (from 0 to 5). Films that have received an average rating of 3.5 to 5 points, become winners of the festival and are awarded diplomas of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree. The other finalists receive incentive diplomas.
Special festival prizes: members of the jury and sponsors can award their favorite films for acting, directing or camerawork, for the idea, etc.
The best films are determined and awarded according to the children’s and youth jury.
8. Criteria for evaluating films.
- compliance of the work with the goals of the Festival;
- originality of the script;
- relevance of the topic covered in the work;
- originality of the idea (Director’s decision);
- artistic level of solution;
- operator skills;
- acting;
- sound solution;
- the level of technical implementation of the idea (quality of film editing).
9. Competition nominations and timekeeping of works.
9.1. The film competition
- «Light to the world «( films and programs about Orthodoxy);
- Fiction film;
- Non-fiction movies;
- TV program (story);
- Animation;
- Video;
- Social video
- Films and programs of local studios and authors (Yaroslavl region).
- «The sun of the Russian land», films dedicated to Alexander Nevsky. Alexander Nevsky was born in the Yaroslavl region. In 2021, the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Prince will be celebrated, in connection with this event, a special nomination is introduced for two years, for which applications are accepted dedicated to the life and feat of the Grand Duke.
- Films dedicated to the 275th anniversary of the birth of the Russian naval commander, Admiral F. F. Ushakov.
The timing of the competition works is not limited, but in the selection of preference is given to films and programs lasting up to 30 minutes.
9.2 III regional photo contest «Yaroslavl region through the eyes of children» (a separate provision on the photo contest — in Annex 2).
10. Jury
The jury consists of:
- honored artist of the Russian Federation, winner of the «Oscar» Alexander Petrov (Yaroslavl);
- honored worker of culture of Ukraine Archpriest Igor Sobko (Dnipro);
- member of the Public chamber of the Union state, Director of the highest category Sergey Katier (Minsk);
- TV presenter of the channel «Nostalgia» Vladimir Glazunov (Moscow);
- President of the film festival «Popoli e Religioni — Terni Film Festival» Katia Malatesta
- President of the Saint Vladimir film festival Alena Ivanichenko (Sevastopol);
- Anna Yan, President of the «Fresco» film festival (Yerevan)
- program Director of the Pokrov film festival Vladislav Robsky (Kiev);
- head of the project «Probumerang-TV» and «Boom-TV», member of the Association of media education specialists Alexander Muratov (Moscow);
- head of the Film and TV Department in the Ministry of emergency situations of Russia Alexander Semenyuk (Moscow);
- Director, screenwriter, producer, head of Soyuzmultfilm Department Sergey Strusovsky (Moscow);
- Director, screenwriter, actor Vitaly Lyubetsky (Minsk);
- Director, screenwriter, actor Ilya Belostotsky (Moscow);
- teacher, researcher of the gallery «Under the blessed cover» Anastasia Belyaeva (Uglich);
- Abbot Raphael (Simakov) Abbot of the Church of the Archangel Michael, «What’s in the forest» (Uglich);
- hieromonk Michael (Savin).
11. Financial condition.
11.1 Participation in the Festival competition is free of charge. The travel of the finalists to the festival and back – at the expense of the participants. Accommodation, meals and cultural and excursion program are paid by the organizers of the festival (if there is sufficient funding).
The organizing Committee invites one participant from the Studio to the final of the festival (except for cases when different Directors within the same Studio present their works in the same category)
Sending invitations begins with the participants who have scored the maximum score, if they refuse-after a 5-day period-the place goes to the next finalist in the evaluation system.
11.2. In case of refusal of the finalist from full-time participation in the Festival, he receives an electronic diploma, the prize and the original diploma is not sent.
11.3 conditions of arrival at your own expense.
The program of the festival specifies the places of food, lodging, and screenings. You can book your own hotel, pay for meals and travel between the festival cities. All details of this option of participation can be clarified with the members of the organizing Committee in the social networks «in contact», «Facebook».
12. Contacts.
«Light to the world»:
The website of the festival: http://kinofest-svetmiru.ru/
e-mail: [email protected]
Postal address of the organizing Committee of the Festival: 152901, Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk, Krestovaya street, 3/5
Phones: +79038213716 (Archpriest Eugene Glazunov);
«Light to the world. Children»:
Group of the festival «Vkontakte»: http://vk.com/svetmiru2013
+79056369312 (Oleg Svobodin).